No Sunday Sitting November 10, 2024
The sangha will be holding a zazenkai (one-day retreat) on Saturday, November 9, so we will not have our usual Sunday sitting this coming weekend. We will resume regular Sunday sitting on November 7, 2024.
Welcome to the Princeton Area Zen Group
We sit every Sunday from 7 to 9 pm at Fellowship in Prayer, 291 Witherspoon St., Princeton, N.J.
Please bring your own meditation cushions if you have them. We have cushions available for those who do not yet have their own set.
Newcomers should arrive Sunday at 6:30 pm for an introduction to the group and Zen meditation practice. This will be followed by our regular sitting from 7 to 9 pm. Please enter through the rear door, or wait at the rear entrance if the door is locked.
For more information, please contact Donald at 609-510-3909, Paul at 908-809-3400, or email us at